Making Now Matter

If Not Us, Who Are the Death Educators?

Most people avoid death conversations like the plague. When I have the opportunity, I try to stir up conversations around the topic of death, dying and grief. I know most people prefer to talk about lighter things, but I find it fascinating how often people will engage in the topic [...]

By |2022-02-18T20:52:20+00:0013-Apr-2015|Death Conversations, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on If Not Us, Who Are the Death Educators?

Christmas on Fast Forward

  How many of you remember cassette tapes where you could fast-forward through a song that you didn’t like and find the one you preferred to listen to over and over again? It was never easy to guess when to stop the fast-forward button, and so you would have to [...]

By |2022-02-18T21:37:09+00:0016-Dec-2014|Grief Support, Holidays, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Christmas on Fast Forward

Burnout Buddies

Imagine: a teen in a high school guidance office is eagerly showing the counselor a pamphlet about nursing courses in the community college. You can see the excitement in the youngster’s face – new horizons, new adventures – it’s all there in black and white. They just need one more [...]

By |2022-02-18T20:59:51+00:0002-Mar-2014|Making Now Matter, Self-Care|0 Comments

Grief Doesn’t Take Holidays

It was forty years ago, in a large downtown hospital that I worked my first Christmas Eve shift as a new nursing grad. As was the hospital tradition, a call went out during the night for nurses willing to sing carols strolling through the wards on Christmas morning . I [...]

By |2022-02-18T21:05:10+00:0012-Dec-2013|Grief Support, Holidays, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Grief Doesn’t Take Holidays
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