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Dying To Know, is open to anyone interested in various topics related to death and dying. These interactive sessions help in preparing for end-of-life, offer strategies for staying resilient through challenging times, and help care partners become more confident in their roles.

Webinar:  Sitting in Silence: Creating a Space for Grief
Knowing what to say or do when someone is experiencing grief can be challenging. In this interactive and practical session, participants will explore the practice of companioning grief. Participants will identify helpful ways to support individuals through grief and loss and will leave with practical suggestions on what they can say and do.

Presenter: Becky VanTassel
Becky Van Tassel has been employed in the non-profit sector since 2001; she holds Bachelor of Social Work and a Masters of Adult Education specializing in Educational Research. Her work has primarily focused on helping people talk about challenging and difficult topics. Becky is currently an Education Consultant with Alberta Health Services at the Calgary Grief Support Program.




Living with Advanced Illness Centre
(403) 263-4525
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