Volunteer Training – Grief Companioning
Date: November 14, 2024
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: Bill Harder – PCSBV’s Program Manager
Learning objectives:
1. Understand grief as a human part of life and how people experience grief
2. Understand the diversity and complexity of the grief experience
4. Understand the role of the volunteer in supporting people who are grieving
5. Be aware of grief and bereavement resources in the community
6. Understand sorrow and grief, and the transformational aspect of grieving
At the end of this module, volunteers will be able to:
• Discuss examples of the human experience that may evoke a grief response
• Describe some of the losses that people might experience when diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, during the process of dying, and after a death or non-death loss and how they may react and cope
• Identify personal, social and cultural factors that affect how people grieve
• Discuss what helps or hinders a grieving person
• Be able to identify complex grief and know when to link someone with other services
For more information, please contact the Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley via email at info@pcsbv.ca or telephone 403 707 7111.