Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a way to help you think about, talk about and record your healthcare wishes. ACP is for everyone and the best time to start is NOW. Nobody knows what tomorrow may bring.
Think about your values and your wishes.
Learn about your own health.
Choose somebody to make decisions and speak on your behalf.
Communicate your values and wishes about healthcare.
Document your plan in a personal directive.
Use the interactive guide to help make your healthcare decisions.
Download a personal directive form here and learn how to properly execute it here.
Speak to your healthcare provider and ask them to complete your goals of care designation document.
A Green Sleeve is a green, plastic folder that holds your ACP documents (your personal directive and your goals of care designation). Keep it near your fridge.
Indigenous Peoples Care Planning Resource
Quality palliative care respects people’s culture, traditions and spirituality. Coming full circle: Planning for your care was developed by Indigenous Peoples for Indigenous People. It assists First Nations, Inuit and Métis in planning for and having discussions about their care should they become seriously ill or if they can no longer speak for themselves. For more information, visit
Download the PDF of Coming full circle: Planning for your care