
Volunteer Training – Modules 6 & 7


Volunteer Training for Module 6 and Module 7: Module 6 - Physical Issues and Support - Pain and Symptom Management Module 7 - Caring for People at Home or in a Hospice Training will delivered online using Microsoft Teams; please…


Volunteer Training: Module 2 Effective Listening


Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley (PCSBV) Volunteer Training - Effective Listening Date: March 27 Time: 6-9 PM Location: Zoom Facilitator: Dr. Tiffany Kriz - PhD of Organizational Behavior - Professor of Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management and Management…


Volunteer Training Module 8 Grief Companioning


Facilitator: Bill Harder - PCSBV's Program Manager Learning objectives: 1. Understand grief as a human part of life and how people experience grief 2. Understand the diversity and complexity of the grief experience 4. Understand the role of the volunteer…


Volunteer Training Module 5 Exploring Spirituality


Facilitator: Canon Dr. Richard LeSueur - Former Interim Dean and lecturer, St. George’s College, Jerusalem. Learning objectives: 1. Understand the spiritual needs of the client and family 2. Understand different spiritual concepts and practices 3. Understand the role of the…
