
“Volunteering with You’re Not Alone makes me feel fulfilled. I look forward to the weekly phone calls because I learn from connecting with the client, and I love being able to lighten the load of someone simply by being able to listen when they want to talk.

It makes me feel like I’m making a difference when I can connect with people and when I feel that they are comfortable sharing their pain with me.”

– YNA Volunteer

“Volunteering with the You’re Not Alone program is rewarding to me because I am there to listen to someone who needs to talk about their grief! Something I wish I had when I first experienced the loss of my wife.”

– YNA Volunteer

“I am blessed to provide weekly telephone support to a participant who shares their wisdom openly with me. Each week, at the end of the conversation, I feel much wiser because I always learn.”

– YNA Volunteer

“The speaker was excellent. Her approach to presenting was warm, inviting and made it a safe space to share and learn.”

– Roadshow Attendee

“I appreciate AHPCA’s focus on health equity.”

– Roadshow Attendee

“It was excellent! Wonderful speaker and quality, relevant content easy to listen to and absorb the information.”

– Roadshow Attendee