Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Planning and COVID-19: Personal Directives

The daily coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic reminds us all to make some very important emergency plans to care for those at greater risk for complications from the virus and to create a household emergency plan and contact list. Now that we are doing our best to “flatten the curve” and [...]

By |2022-03-03T22:46:24+00:0001-Apr-2020|Advance Care Planning, COVID-19, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Advance Care Planning and COVID-19: Personal Directives

Strathmore – #HospiceCareNearMe

The Wheatland & Area Hospice Society was formed in 2015. The board has grown from six to ten members; one of our goals is for our board to reflect the skills, interests and interests and geographical representation within our community. To strengthen and develop our board, Alberta Culture has presented [...]

By |2022-03-07T16:36:46+00:0005-Oct-2017|Advance Care Planning, Community Partnership, Fundraising, Hospice Care Near Me, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Strathmore – #HospiceCareNearMe

Make advance care planning your gift of love for this Valentine’s Day

This Valentine's Day, be bold and loving - start an Advance Care Planning conversation with someone you love.

By |2022-03-07T16:59:45+00:0014-Feb-2017|Advance Care Planning, Holidays, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Make advance care planning your gift of love for this Valentine’s Day

A New Year’s Resolution to Die For

Why does a New Year’s resolution have to be all about “me”? Lose weight. Reduce debt. Close a big business deal. Develop your personal “SMART” goals. How about a resolution that can impact those closest to you forever? It’s not a common goal, I realize. Actually I have never heard [...]

By |2022-03-07T17:11:13+00:0005-Jan-2017|Advance Care Planning, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on A New Year’s Resolution to Die For

Quality v. Quantity

This article from LinkedIn continues society’s discussion about balancing quality of life against life-prolonging interventions. Dr. Profeta presents the issue from the perspective of the elderly. I Know You Love Me — Now Let Me Die by Dr. Louis M. Profeta Jan 16, 2016 In the old days, she would be propped up on a [...]

By |2022-02-18T20:31:02+00:0007-Feb-2016|Advance Care Planning, Death Conversations, Making Now Matter, Palliative Care|Comments Off on Quality v. Quantity
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