
Facing the Holiday Season While Grieving

  Holidays like Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Diwali, Christmas (not to mention birthdays and anniversaries) can be very tough for those who have experienced loss. For people in grief, family gatherings and celebrations can highlight the absence of a special person. With some thought and planning, it is possible to get through [...]

By |2022-03-03T22:50:25+00:0028-Nov-2019|Grief Support, Holidays, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Facing the Holiday Season While Grieving

Make advance care planning your gift of love for this Valentine’s Day

This Valentine's Day, be bold and loving - start an Advance Care Planning conversation with someone you love.

By |2022-03-07T16:59:45+00:0014-Feb-2017|Advance Care Planning, Holidays, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Make advance care planning your gift of love for this Valentine’s Day

Helping Those in Grief during the Holidays

The Christmas holiday is a very special time, as it is an important time to connect with family and friends, and celebrate together the events and developments that have taken place that year. For some people though, Christmas is a lonely time as they have lost a spouse or another [...]

By |2022-03-07T17:33:11+00:0001-Dec-2016|Grief Support, Holidays, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Helping Those in Grief during the Holidays

The After-holiday Blahs

They’re over – the anticipation and the excitement of holidays with family and friends. Perhaps there was a bit too much eating, too much partying, and too little exercise… Perhaps there were even some challenging family moments.  Unrealistic holiday expectations of “joy and peace” often result in disappointment when our family members behave [...]

By |2022-02-18T20:22:32+00:0002-Jan-2016|Grief Support, Holidays, Making Now Matter, Self-Care|Comments Off on The After-holiday Blahs

Holding it Together during the Holidays

Outside the window, I hear the carolers wandering closer to our front porch; their familiar song evokes precious memories of childhood holidays. However, it’s another Christmas without my Dad, and this year, I’m feeling more stressed about it. Quite frankly, I’m wondering if I’ll be holding it together during the [...]

By |2022-02-18T20:25:36+00:0023-Dec-2015|Grief Support, Holidays, Making Now Matter, Self-Care|Comments Off on Holding it Together during the Holidays

Christmas on Fast Forward

  How many of you remember cassette tapes where you could fast-forward through a song that you didn’t like and find the one you preferred to listen to over and over again? It was never easy to guess when to stop the fast-forward button, and so you would have to [...]

By |2022-02-18T21:37:09+00:0016-Dec-2014|Grief Support, Holidays, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Christmas on Fast Forward

Grief Doesn’t Take Holidays

It was forty years ago, in a large downtown hospital that I worked my first Christmas Eve shift as a new nursing grad. As was the hospital tradition, a call went out during the night for nurses willing to sing carols strolling through the wards on Christmas morning . I [...]

By |2022-02-18T21:05:10+00:0012-Dec-2013|Grief Support, Holidays, Making Now Matter|Comments Off on Grief Doesn’t Take Holidays
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